Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Securities activities of banks class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Securities activities of banks class - Essay Example According to the 2008-2012, Global Economic Crisis report, interplay of a number of factors may have triggered this crisis. Some of those factors include high-risk mortgage lending rate, inaction by the financial systems’ regulators to enforce available financial prudence acts and laws which created a loophole that allowed some financial players to act and lend imprudently, untrue credit ratings given to investors by some financial system players to woe and attract investors, and valuation and liquidity problems in the banking systems of global economies. Its turbulences and ripple effects have been heavily felt by virtually all economies, both great and mighty, and fairly considered small ones.1 A number of research have been done in the line of global economic crisis delving into what may have been underlying factors that led to great global economic recession. Commissions of inquiries into causes of the global financial crisis have been constituted and reports have been raised on the possible factors that may have triggered the crisis. Levin-Coburn Report in particular investigates on causes of financial crisis and concludes that, the crisis that plunged many economies into collapse was avoidable if due diligence was followed by major players in the banking systems, especially the ones in the mortgage lending section. Prudence in mortgage lending and adept adherence to the financial regulations and acts could have certainly saved many financial economies from collapsing under the harsh effects of the global recession. To avoid failures by banks insinuated as possible reasons for the global economic crisis, financial regulators have tightened the existing regulations on le nding, liquidity and reserve requirements among others, and banks are now keener in how they handle credit risks. The concept of Asset securitization as a prudent risk management tool is finding global acceptance and many financial institutions concede that it could have
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Are The Causes Of Childhood Obesity Health Essay
What Are The Causes Of Childhood Obesity Health Essay Throughout the years, obesity has been a very important topic in our society and has risen exponentially among children and many researchers have wondered what are the causes of childhood obesity. There are many components which contribute to the causes of child obesity. Also people need to understand what exactly is body-mass-index and how it will be used to decide whether the child is categorized as being obese or not. Here are the some of the primary causes that affect children leading into obsession. The children consume so much food, are exposed to too many advertisements, lack physical activity, parents influence their actions, and the childrens living environments and socioeconomic factors influence them. Many blame that children eat beyond their control and this happens to be the number one cause. The second cause is children are exposed too many food commercials of less healthy foods and eventually are convinced into consuming the product. The third reason is children tend t o lack physical activity by rather spending countless hours playing video games and browsing the internet. The fourth cause is that the children parents influences them, and the genetics of the parents is a great influence on childrens overweight and obesity. The last cause is the childs living environment and their socioeconomic status influences their decisions and actions. These are the main components that lead into causing obesity among the children. What factors make children to be considered obese from a normal weight. What is obesity and BMI? Typically, obesity and overweight children are characterized as having a body-mass-index (BMI) greater than a particular threshold set point. BMI or body-mass-index undistinguished as a measurement in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (kg/m2) (Anderson 20). Reported by the guidelines in National Institutes of Health, a child is well categorized as obese if their body-mass-index is less than 18.5, the kids are considered overweight if their BMI is 25 or more, and obese if his BMI is 31 or more (20). Most people have no significant idea of what exactly is obesity. According to the Center for Disease Control and prevention, obesity is defined as a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced 6 life expectancy and/or increased health problems (CDC, 2013). In the article Childhood Obesity: An Overview, it mentions that it can happen only when the number of calories being consumed surpasses the quantity of calories burned, and usually an increase of this action has to last for long periods of time for obesity to be developed (Reily 2007) In order for a child to not be obese, it will take them days of lifestyle changes which produce a small every day calorie deficiency in their food diet. In the long run it is necessity that lifestyle changes is a huge contributor to the failure of efforts to resolve obesity once it has become established. When the children consume much more calories than they burn off, they increase that as obese weight. (WebMD 1) How children eat, how physically active they are, and many numerous components play a part on how it impacts their body and uses the energy units and when weight is increased. These are the basics of obesity and how the body-mass index is use to classified children as obese. The number one cause is children intake way too much unhealthy food products such as soft drinks, fast food, convenient snack food, chips, and junk food, etc. When the children eat this certain type of food, the calories sum up creating body fat or also known as BMI. Most children tend to miss a great diet and are easily exposed to unhealthy food; therefore, they will consume as they are pleased (Anderson and Butcher 14). The three major food categories are convenience foods, soft drinks, and obviously fast food. All these are calorie dense and there is some evidence that consuming these items are correlated with obesity in children (35). Also the much more children consume this type of food, the easier it is for them to get addicted. The worlds leading global fast food service retailer with more than 34,000 and counting restaurants worldwide goes to the McDonalds Corporation franchise and they happened to sell the two unhealthiest leading food products that causes obesity, which are french fries and chicken nuggets (McDonalds 1). Nevertheless, children tend to always eat them at any fast food place. They cannot enjoy their meal without a side of french fries or chicken tenders. Another thing children face are the easy access to junk food in schools. Much more schools across America have carried out school vending machines that contain highly calorie snacks such as candy bars and chips. Fast food companies use tactics against children such as advertising to brain wash them to consume their food products. The second cause leading to child obesity is that many of the children that end getting overweight are exposed to hundreds of advertising of unhealthy foods. The television advertisements are very influential and persuasive to the childrens mind. On average, the child watches an estimate of more than 23,000 food commercials every year and works out to at least 60 commercials per day (Anderson and Butcher 32). Also many children get influenced by prizes or characters of the advertisement. For example, when children see an advertisement on the television for a kids meal; they will get convinced into buying the meal because their neurons urges the kid to wan the super, marvelous action figure found inside. This is why the McDonalds Happy meals are the number one selling food product to children. The children in todays society tend to not do physical activities because their days consist of computer and television interaction. Another cause to child obesity is that many obese children do not control their overall health and lack physical activity to burn off the excess of calories. Children may be substituting different sorts of media for television watching, including video games and the internet (Anderson and Butcher 26). The kids already are not burning up the calories by not choosing to exercise and add many more calories to their bodies. The body systems of the child will not be able to burn off the calories when they do this actions. Thus, this cause raises the energy consumption or decreases energy outgo by even a little measure that will cause obesity in the long-run. Prospectively, physical activity was inversely related to with BMI alteration in girls, and media time periods (watching television or videos, playing video or computer games) was directly connected with BMI alterations in both sexes (Hans-Reiner Figulla 209). A factor that many really dont notice that affect the child health choices are the parents themselves. A cause that usually is not taken in consideration to child obesity are the parents themselves. While parental behavior is important, perhaps the largest influence on the children weight, and obesity is through genetics. For example, it is known that parents influence the childrens food choices. Also the laboring of the parents, makes it difficult to plan and cook healthier meals. For most Americans, it is effortless to get precooked products, eat out in the restaurants, or go to the store to buy products. But these types of foods are higher in fat and high in calories. The quantity of fast food products have gotten a lot bigger in size and this contributes to bad food consumption. Occupation agendas, lengthy travels from the workplace, and other commitments also cuts into the time period the parents have their kids doing physical exercise. Recent reports have concluded that about 26 to 41 percent of BMI is hereditary (Anderson and Butcher 10). Alternately it seems that parents may p ass on to their children a condition to overweight in the existence of energy imbalance. (10) The environment in which the children live can also influence and effect children to getting obese. The fifth cause is that is taken in consideration to child obesity is the environment and socioeconomic conditions of the children. Obesity is higher among minority children and low-income children such as African-American and Hispanics decent (Anderson 15). It all the depends where the children live. If the environment is under poverty conditions, the parents will most likely expose their children to consume cheap food for the penny. Now much more fast food corporations have increased their portion sizes of their products and cost a lot cheaper. Whose family members that are overweight may be at jeopardy of becoming overweight themselves, but this can be connected to common family actions such as consumption and human activity habits. For example, my mother was a considerably overweight at the time of pregnancy when she had me; therefore I was born obesity and I was two pounds overweight. In conclusion, these are some of the major components that cause child obesity. Most of the time it isnt just the child itself but there are much more to what causes obesity among them. Also most dont realize that by using the body mass index or BMI is used to categorized the child as being obese. The obvious one is when the child over eats too much and doesnt burn off the calories they intake and that add fat weight on their bodies. Many people also didnt realize that the environment the child lives in can not only influence the children but also their parents. It is mainly the childs environment that influences the children to either make positive or negative choices. The causes are child obesity are clearly that they consume so much food, are exposed to too many advertisements, lack physical activity performance, parents influence their actions, and the childrens living environments and socioeconomic factors influence them as well.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Human Trafficking in the United States Essay -- Modern-Day Slavery
In 2010, there were almost 30,000 Latino immigrants in Durham, ninety percent of which were undocumented immigrants (Johnson). Initially, most Latino immigrants arrived in the southwest, but since the turn of the century, more have settled in new destinations, such as Durham, and other parts of the Southeast, due to opportunities to work in low-skilled jobs. Pushing forces that lead people to migrate include better life opportunities, poverty as a result of war, political unrest and injustice, and environmental disasters. Businesses provide pulling factors for Latino migration by attracting immigrants in order to attain cheap labor. The sustained demand for cheap labor in the US gives undocumented immigrants an opportunity to work and stay in a country where they face unwelcoming attitudes. Two different situations can be identified when looking at illegal migration: people immigrating because of human trafficking, and people being smuggled unlawfully in order to find a better life. Labor trafficking is often entangled with illegal immigration and smuggling (Barrick). Traffic...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Terror and Violence in Nazi Germany from 1933-34
How far did the Nazi regime rely on terror and violence to consolidate its hold on power from 1933-34? Although most of the Nazi regime’s policies and actions were legal, the presence of terror and violence towards it opposition and citizens was most likely the key to the Nazi’s staying in power. With the aid of the SS and SA, the Nazis were able to stage coercive elections only allowing us to suggest unreliable results when it comes to answering this question.Hitler was appointed as chancellor on January 30th 1933. On the 27th of February 1933, the Reichstag building broke out into flames, four weeks after Hitler had assumed office of chancellor and weeks before his government had urged President Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag. The Nazis were able to convince the general public that this was â€Å"acts of terrorism†by communists. This meant at long last the Nazis could get rid of the KPD and all other political parties, whether they posed a threat or not. The Reichstag fire lead to the emergency decree which seized several rights of the German people such as freedom of opinion, personal freedom, freedom of the press and the freedom to organise and assemble. It also meant the German officials could detain whoever they wanted without a warrant. Three weeks after the emergency decree was announced, the Enabling Act (March 27th 1933) was passed. This gave Hitler the power to pass laws without the interference of the Reichstag or Reichsrat.As Hindenburg was aging he took less interest in day-to-day government activities, hence why he signed the enabling act as it effectively removed Presidential oversight. With the enabling act and the emergency decree both active, Hitler’s government was transformed into a legal dictatorship, allowing the Nazis to do whatever they wanted, however they wanted. The Nazis also controlled the media through propaganda minister, Dr Joseph Goebbels. On the 13th of March 1933, he was appointed head of the Reich ministry which was in charge of all media and public entertainment.On the night of book burning in Berlin, Goebbels condemned all books by Jews, liberals, leftists, pacifists, foreigners, and others as â€Å"un-German. †This lead to Nazi supporters in the educational sector, both students and professors, to burn these â€Å"un-German†books in attempt to â€Å"cleanse†German spirits. With the Enabling Act still active Hitler was able to pass a series of laws called the Gleichstaltung laws. Gleichstaltung means â€Å"coordination†or â€Å"bringing into line†. These laws were laid down to ensure a totalitarian state without any possibleobjection or opposition. They were also put into place to standardize Nazi-German lifestyle. All anti-Nazis were purged from civil service and schools. Gleichstaltung however also consisted of several organisations which were made compulsory. All these compulsory groups set up by the Nazis prepared the chosen gender or age group for life during the war. The Gleichstaltung laws allowed the Nazi’s to commence The Night of the Long Knives, within legal jurisdiction. The Night of the Long Knives was the termination or arrest of opposition to Nazis.Majority of the victims were prominent members and leaders of the SA such as Ernst Rohm and Kurt von Schleicher. Due to unemployment of up to six million, the SA had grown massively and were looking a lot less controllable to Hitler. At one point, the SA were Hitler’s personal army, great tension grew between Hitler and Rohm as they both had a difference of opinion. Another reason the SA was eliminated was due to homosexuality that was rumoured to be present in the group. This clashed with core Nazi ideology and it simply could not be overlooked by the Nazis.President Hindenburg died on the second of August 1934, this lead to Hitler combing the roles of both president and chancellor into one, known as the Fuhrer, giving him complete power over Germany. In evaluation, majority of Hitler’s rise to power was legal and even his acts of violence and terror were legal due to the Reichstag decree being active as well as the enabling act. Even with great election results, we cannot determine whether they were genuine or not due to coercive elections. Therefore it seems most of his rise to power relied on the acts of terror and violence.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Idea of Progress Essay
I’m going to talk about the notion Idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of progress. The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty, and quality of life. However, sometimes progress causes more problems than it solves . Consequently, we are going to weigh the positive and negatives aspects of progress, in science , in medicine and in new technologies. The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life and has shaped most of Western civilisation’s vision of history . Progress implies change, some evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily embraced by all . It’s at the heart oh a heated debate between those who approve of these changes and those who resist and criticize them in the name of tradition . As the rythm of progress seems to have accelerated these last few decades with an ever faster increase of major technological and scientific breakthroughs, the cult of novelty and progress is now being questioned . Indeed, a growing number of people voice their concern about the ethical, social and environmental consequences of such development and about the excesses of today’s consumer society . â€Å"
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