Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Organizational Culture The Organizations Vision And Its...
Introduction Organisational culture, also known as corporate culture, encompasses the principles, backgrounds and views of all the employees of an organisation (Homburg Pflesser 2000 pp.449-462). This often provides each company with their unique corporate identity, as no two businesses or employees are the same. The idea of individuality leads to companies striving to achieve a ‘strong culture’, which involves the entire work cohort sharing consistent goals and motivations, in hopes of potentially garnering higher profit margins as there many advantages that come with a stronger culture. Such benefits include greater productivity levels, loyalty and the unity of all of an organisation’s employees. While having a ‘strong culture’ is†¦show more content†¦These aspects in turn influence commercial operations such as the communication between peers, clients and shareholders as well dictate how employees act and perform their work duties. Organisational cult ure tends to decrease ambiguity in the workplace as to how tasks should be conducted, as well as give each company their distinct individual identity (Tajfel Turner 1986 pp.7-24). Every business has their unique culture, which serves the purpose of providing standards and limitations for the behaviour that should be carried out while employed at the organisation (Calori Samin 1991 pp.49-74). Numerous aspects make up a businesses unique culture, such as behavioural practices, group norms, the promoted values of the company, as well as the mental models a company chooses to adopt. As time passes, a company forms behavioural uniformities in regards to how employees interact. The customs and traditions that are adapted and brought into the workplace, plus the practices used in dealing with certain situations, are what these behavioural uniformities encompass (Trice Beyer 1993 pp.84-87). Behavioural practices also generally influence group norms, which are the implied principles and values that develop when working in a group (Schein 2010 p.16). These then carry over to the whole of the company, which solidifies the adopted values of the corporation. These
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Is Psychology a Science Essay - 1133 Words
The British Psychological Society states that ‘Psychology is the scientific study of people, the mind and behaviour’ (BPS). In this essay I will be discussing what is actually meant by this and whether psychology fits into both the traditional views of a science, as well as more contemporary perspectives. It is widely suggested that Psychology is a â€Å"coalition of specialities†meaning it is multi-disciplinary (Hewstone, Fincham and Foster 2005, page 4). I will therefore examine whether it could be considered wrong to think that all parts of the discipline should neatly fit into one view of a scientific approach. In order to be considered a science, Psychology must consequently adhere to using a scientific method. If this were, as usual,†¦show more content†¦Studies such as the afore mentioned Milgram study showed that what may appear to be the most expected outcome may, in truth, be very different. I would also go on to argue that in actuality all sci ences are some adaptation of common sense (Oppenheimer, 1956), leaving Psychology in this way, no different to any of the others. Ben Goldacre even argues that particular forms of science, such as neuroscience, regularly offer empirically incorrect research in reputable journals, claiming statistically significant results without the appropriate statistical tests (Guardian). Furthermore, there are three main aspects which were customarily associated with a science: metaphysical, theoretical and methodological assumptions. Under metaphysical it is believed that to gain scientific status requires the certainty that the subject matter i.e. human thought/ behaviour, is similar to that of other accepted sciences. This could then be true for Psychology, as particularly since Darwin’s suggestion of a continuity between behaviours of humans and other species, behaviour has become more scrutinised. However, this must be assumed in respect of determinism, suggesting predictions could b e made. ‘Heisenbergs uncertainty principle’ suggests that when relating evidence of indeterminism within the universe to human behaviour, it proves ambiguous, and with parts of the discipline believing strongly in free will it seems difficult to establish a common ground (Valentine E.R. page 2).Show MoreRelatedThe Science Of Psychology And Psychology2314 Words  | 10 PagesChapter 1: The Science of Psychology Downs, Martin. â€Å"Psychology vs. Psychiatry: Which is better?† WebMD, Inc., 2005. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. The article is about the importance of psychology, the article is written by the Downs Martin in the year of 2005. This article is very much important and it is providing information about the psychology and about the psychiatrist. In the medical treatment the psychological is very useful and significant means of medical treatment. According to writerRead MorePsychology as a Science1163 Words  | 5 PagesPSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental processes. (Fuchs amp; Milar, 2002). But what makes it a scientific study? First of all, why not? Nowadays the idea of psychology as a science seems so natural to us, but it was not always like this. The late-eighteenth-century declaration that a true scientific study of the mind was not possible posed a challenge that was answered in the nineteenth century when the possibilityRead MoreIs Psychology A Science?1518 Words  | 7 PagesWhether psychology is a science or not has been a long running debate between psychologists and other scientists alike. There have been various attempts at making psychology a scientific discipline in the past such as the movement from behaviourism into cognitivism. Researchers such as Wundt and Watson have worked hard to bring psychology into the world of scientific research and through the years have made a very good start but have they managed to achieve scientific criteria? Berezow (2012) definedRead MoreIs Psychology A Science?998 Words  | 4 PagesThe question that ‘psychology is a Science’ motivates a substantially critical debate amongst many professions, having very strong opinions. To come to a vigorous conclusion on this subject we must take into recognition both sides of the argument, what is science, and weather Psychology meets the principles of Science. In doing this the following essay will be debating the principles of science, the scientific unifying approach, poppers opinion on whether psychology is a science through his theoryRead MorePsychology as a Science1774 Words  | 8 PagesDefine Psychology. Is psychology a science? Elucidate your answer with relevant arguments. DEFINITIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY Psychology has been defined in different ways.Some people have defined psychology as an art.Other people have defined psychology as a science.Many text books define psychology as the science of mind and behavior.Psychology involves the study of human nature and/or behavior.Different opinions come from different perspectives. Eric Pettifor at GIGANTOPITHECUS defines psychology as anRead MoreIs Psychology A Science?2038 Words  | 9 Pagesbeing that science helps many parts of our lives? â€Å"Like all science, psychology is knowledge: and like science, it is knowledge of a definite thing, the mind†in this quote by James Mark Baldwin, it states that psychology is a science, a science that is being used in many different ways. Unlike usual science, that teach us about cells, rocks, and animals, this science gives us a glimpse of something that everyone has and something that everyone has questions about†¦ the mind! Psychology helps us inRead MoreIs Psychology a Science2271 Words  | 10 PagesIs psychology a science? Discuss using evidence from the five approaches. To answer this question I feel it is important to understand the definitions of psychology and science. I will start with definitions of the terms psychology and science and will briefly review the methods of psychology. I will outline the behaviourist approach, the psychoanalytical approach, the cognitive approach, the humanistic approach and the biological approach. In order to confirm whether psychology can fulfil theRead MoreIs Psychology A Science?2372 Words  | 10 PagesPsychology as a science is very complicated, with many parts and attributions to other fields of science. These many parts come together to help explain why humans behave the way they do. Most of this depends on the brain and the way it tells our bodies to react to the environment around us. Our brain function allows us to have these reactions, along with many other things that make up a person. Their motivation, emotions, development, and personality are all products of the different functions andRead MoreP sychology Is The Science Of Natural Science1080 Words  | 5 PagesPsychology as the behaviorist views it is a purely objective experimental branch of natural science. Its theoretical goal is the prediction and control of behavior. Introspection forms no essential part of its methods, nor is the scientific value of its data dependent upon the readiness with which they lend themselves to interpretation in terms of consciousness -John B. Watson There are five main approaches to psychology known as â€Å"schools of thought†that make assumptions about the nature ofRead MoreReflecting On Psychology As A Science912 Words  | 4 Pages Reflecting on Psychology as a Science Before I had ever begun to ponder cognitive abilities, or understand the connections between Dopamine and schizophrenia, my concepts of psychology were shaped by the perverse world of popular culture. Prime time psychologists tend to come in two forms. Viewers are either enticed by an intense and traumatized psychologist who sneaks into the minds of criminals or annoyed be the one episode guest star analyst whose only goal seems
Monday, December 9, 2019
Indians Of The United States Essay Example For Students
Indians Of The United States Essay Indians of the United StatesThere was a time long ago when there was no man in America, only animals. This was thousands of years before Columbus ever set eyes on America. What he saw was different; he saw a land populated from the north to the south. Due to the natural instinct of man to explore, the explorers just that to figure out the mysterious Indians. The explorers later theorized that the Indians came from Siberia through a land bridge in the Bering Strait during the time when the water levels were not high. They also realized that it was difficult to predict the times when things happened to the Indians since they did not keep written records. Then they figured out by use of imagination that the Indians crossed over the land bridge to Alaska finding wild game. And following rivers and bodies of water, they moved south covering most of America. Another evidence was found near the site of Folsom, New Mexico, which was an arrow points or dart point. Fossils found showed that they used these arrow points to hunt mammoths and other animals. We can only guess what the story of the Indians is based on evidence and the story they sketched out in cave walls. I found this book to be very interesting and useful due to the fact that it covers many aspects of the Indian culture and it covers many different tribes and groups of the Indians. Also this books spans many years, following the development of the Indians. Also, this book portrays the struggles and hardships of the Indians. Another reason why I chose this book was because it covered the group of my choice, the Zunis, in extensive detail.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Wallia Sports Company Business Platform
Introduction The initial stage of establishing a business and seeing it grow to a successful venture is very demanding and it requires surviving the initial startup hurdles. Successful startups have evaded many entrepreneurs and in the process, many of them have ended up closing shop after only a few years in operation.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Wallia Sports Company Business Platform specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is the reason why Klofsten developed an idea that would help startups self evaluate their progress and seize their business strength and chances of survival. Klofsten called this idea the Business Platform and argued that for any startup to survive, it must attain a business platform (Davidsson Klofsten 2003). Such a platform would help the businesses tackle and overcome startup vulnerabilities. Klofsten (1998) continues to explain that even though the business platform may not necessari ly guarantee survival of the business, its achievement is very crucial for the growth of a company. Therefore business platform is not the ultimate goal in any company’s development but is nonetheless vital for success (Bell Mason 1991). This platform can be used in new technology based small firms (NTSFs) as a tool to help them do a self- diagnosis on their developmental needs and strategies. It distinguishes between goals and tools for business growth (Yencken Gillin 2006). Therefore it is a very useful tool in evaluating Wallia Sports, a new technology based small firm dealing with sports technology, developmental needs and opportunities in the sports technology market. Wallia Sports Wallia sports in a company that deals with the development and marketing of sports technologies and goods such as the digital tachometer. This is a new invention for use with modern gym equipment or rowing boats. The other product that Wallia sports have developed is the stepometer, a device designed for use by amateur runners. The company is owned by Digitech and a few other stakeholders, with Digitech holding the majority shares and control. The company was established after an extensive market survey on the necessity for its products. The investors contributed a lot of capital during the years of operation of the company. However, there were no commensurate returns with the company registering a partly  £62,000 return on its fourth year after establishment despite a  £625,000 initial capital injection. Eventually the company folded due to a number of reasons, most of which can be summarized using Klofsten’s business platform model Wallia Sport strengths for growth Despite the fact that the company did not grow to its full potential, it had several growth opportunities. Davidson and Klofsten (2003) argue that any successful start up must have the relevant and fully qualified staffs to help the company develop products and services that are relevant to the market.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As a result, the staff helps the company attain market competency. Such staff must not only have the relevant academic qualification and credentials but also the relevant experience and skills. Lack of business skills among the staff is a big impediment for the company’s growth (Davis, Vladica Berkowitz 2008). In its attainment of a business platform, Wallia Sports assembled a versatile team of experts in all fields who had the necessary qualifications in both academia and business skills. They had vast experience in the field of sports technology management as well as in starting up of new businesses. Furthermore the team complemented each other in terms of knowledge. The company’s experience was drawn from both individual and corporate background such as Digitech (founding firm) and Venture Capital in starting and run ning small business. The board of management which had vast knowledge and experience in marketing was also included, as well as a host of other individuals with diverse knowledge and business experience. This rich base of knowledge and expertise set the company up for effective competition with its peers in the sports technology market. At inception, Wallia Sports had a very rich source of equity and capital for investment. Ability to access investment capital means that the company was ready for investment. The investment readiness of the company had the potential to attract credible investors (Mason Harrison 2004). Several firms, such as European venture, capital companies, Digitech, Anglo Sports Retail and a US Investment Fund injected capital in excess of  £625,000 over the first three years of existence. Such investment readiness was also boasted by the fact that the company had the relevant expertise in human personnel. The company also had a very strong driving force in th e early stages of its existence. The founders not only had a strong desire to create employment but also were driven by the need to create and build a successful company. That is why the company hired experienced and qualified staff and equity partners. Digitech also made consistent efforts to create a successful business and was committed to the company’s present and future growth. Moreover, the company felt the need to develop more than one income generating opportunity (Yenckin Gillian 2006; Klofsten 1998).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Wallia Sports Company Business Platform specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company thus developed two sports technology equipment, the tachometer and stepometer. Everyone at the company including the capital investors, management board and industrial firms, was committed to making the company a successful business venture with keen attention to future prospects. E quity holders had made significant in investment capital and were interested in making sufficient returns on their investment. The organization had taken the necessary steps towards conducting market research for its products with the intention of commercializing them. The idea was to develop products that had a niche over the competing products in the market (Klofsten 1998; Hindle Yenckin 2004). The tachometer was a revolution and the newest sports technologies application to rowing. The researchers and judges from the University of Oxford found out the product had very unique technological advantages that would have made the commercialization of the product a worthwhile venture. In order to ensure that the products were commercially viable the company invested a lot of money and time in market research before rolling out the business. The company had also aimed at achieving a business platform by taking the necessary steps towards establishing and marking out potential customers and market niche. This is achieved through several steps. They include gathering information through research. The resultant market intelligence generates valuable insight into potential market and possible competition. Other than this the organization should be supplied with the relevant personnel experts in sales and marketing as well as experienced leadership (Yenckien Gillian; Klofsten 1998). In addition, a clear and profitable market niche for products and services had to be identified. This also includes qualifying the market potential and creating contacts with the market (Klofste 1998). As such, the company had included some of the most competent marketers as part of the board of directors’ team. After a thorough market research, Wallia Sports identified a potential market in TechnoGym and Puma, two large corporations that would have given the company a large customer base. The company also calculated sales for its two products and the results were impressive. Market intelligence for the company comes from its own internally conducted research and supplemented by market intelligence from the inventors and researchers of the two products at the University of Oxford. The company has achieved the four main elements of competitiveness. The four are qualified experienced human capital, a founder (Digitech) who had the management knowledge in this business, vast industry knowledge by the founder on the industry and the ability to attract capital from potential and experienced investors and equity firms (Gummesson 2002; Westhead, Wright Ucbasaran 2001).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On these four variables the company attained a commendable score on achieving a business platform for sustainable growth and competitiveness in the sports technology market and as such had a very good opportunity for growth. Wallia business development needs and opportunities The company had made the expected progress in the first years of existence. Despite the fact that the company had achieved commendable business plat form then, it still ended up winding up ten years after it was established. This is due to a number of potential opportunities for growth and development that the company had but did not utilize. Some of the weaknesses occurred in product development, relations establishment, and company management and ownership which led the company to lose focus. There are other opportunities that influence a company’s strategy which in turn has an effect on a company’s organizational structure (Williamson 1984). Williamson further notes that there is a difference i n ownership and management structures between large firms and small firms especially startups. In the small firms ownership and management are rarely separated while in large corporations the management is distanced from ownership. This is due to the complexities that arise from these two issues. Business ownership and management affects to a large extent other variables such as business objectives, the overall business practices, and marketing of products. The reason for the success of big corporations is their ability to separate the two (Beaver 2003). The genesis of Wallia Sports had been its inability to separate management and ownership. The company was owned and management by its majority shareholders, led by Digitech its founder. It also had successive changes in equity holders and managers for the short period it existed and as such the company did not achieve operational consistency. The management and ownership structure led to several disagreements over the running of the company. This resulted in several equity holders, investors, managers and relationship officers to walk out before any meaningful gain was made on business. Other than management and ownership vulnerabilities, the company failed to establish a credible business platform in relation to both the internal and external partners. For successful growth and development a company must establish sufficient relationship with customers (Klofsten 1998). Maintaining worthy relationships has a long- term positive effect and helps a firm plan and eliminates the risk of running out of business (Gummesson 2002). Out of the eight relationships that Wallia sport created none of them was customer oriented. As such the company did not have a direct contact with the clients, a major shortcoming in its growth strategy. The firm did not also go beyond defining the potential users. The only worthy relationship the company created was with financiers and this kind of relationship does not address growth and development issues (Westhead, Wright Ucbasaran 2001) Wallia Sports set out to market two distinct products, which had the potential for commercialization. The two products were the company’s main focus for the entire duration of its existence. For a company to attain a business platform it must develop prototypes of products and services, test them against the market and make sure that the products meets customer approval before commercialization (Klofsten 1998; Klofsten 2005). Wallia’s weakness is that it started to market a product that it had not tasted on potential users. There was no prototype of the tachometer and the stepometer up until the ninth year and by then, the company was beyond redemption. Therefore the firm did not have a finished product for sale. As such the products were met with a lot of customer dissatisfaction. Conclusion The company had very good opportunities for growth and development from the onset. It had attained a considerable level of b usiness platform by way of achieving the four valuable elements of profitable establishment: human capital, market and industry knowledge, committed founder and the ability to attract capital. These were significant milestones for the company. However there are other opportunities that the company encountered but the firm failed to recognize these opportunities. The firm had an opportunity to create valuable customer relationships with clients for profitable growth but did not. Instead of the company developing prototypes of its products, it ended up marketing products that ha not been tested on market suitability. This led to low sales and eventual collapse. As such the company did not utilize opportunities available to attain full business platform, which would have helped it to survive. Reference List Beaver, G., 2003. Management and the small firm. Strategic Change, Vol. 12, pp. 63 – 68. Bell, C., Mason, H., 1991. A method to diagnose high tech venture. Technology man agement: the new international language. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Davidsson, P., Klofsten, M., 2003. The business platform: developing an instrument to gauge and to assist the development young firms. Journal of business management, Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2003 , pp. 1-26. Davis, C., Vladica, F., Berkowitz, I., 2008. Business capabilities of small entrepreneurial media firms: independent production of children’s television in Canada. Journal of media and business studies. Web. Available from . Gummesson, E., 2002. The new marketing- Developing long-term interactive relationships. Long range planning, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp 10-20 Hindle, K., Yencken, J., 2004. Public research, commercialism, entrepreneurship and new technology based firm: an integrated model. Technovation, Vol. 24, pp. 793 – 803 Klofsten, M. 2005. New venture ideas: an analysis of their origin and early development. Technology analysis and strategic management. J ournal of Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 105–119. Klosten, M., 1998. The business platform entrepreneurship and management in the early stages of a firm’s development. Technovation, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 793-803. Mason, C., Harriso, R., 2004. Improving access to early stage venture capital in regional economies: a new approach to investment readiness. The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 159-173 Yencken, J., Gillin, M., 2006. The Klofesten business platform as a self diagnostic tool for new technology based small firms. Paper for HTSF conference 2006. Web. Available from . Westhead, P. Wright, M. and Ucbasaran, D. 2001. The internationalization of new and small firms: A resource-based view. Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 16, No. 4. Williamson, J., 1984, The Leader-manager. London: John Wiley and Sons This report on Wallia Sports Company Business Platform was written and submitted by user Myst1que to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on The Sun, The Moon, And The Stars
When life pulls you down into the darkest hole you’ve ever been in, insecurity seems to get the best of you. You start to do things that you never thought you would do before, and it is all just to make yourself feel better. You feel yourself wrapped up into a ball wondering what part you are supposed to play, why god brought you into this world, or why you even exist. You find your relationship with the person you love falling further into the hole with you, and you need someone to make you feel like you are important. Because the person you love more than anything has already become one with you, it’s even to the point where they can’t pull you out. That’s when you start to feel insecure, like you need something else, just as Yunior does with Magda. Because as you start to start to think about the beginning, it’s the end, and your life is revolving around the one decision you didn’t make for yourself, your insecurity made it for you. â€Å" I’m like everybody else: weak, full of mistakes, but basically good.†Yunior describes himself to be naturally a good person, who has made a costly mistake. In the selection, The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, by Junot Diaz, Yunior is a Dominican man that has cheated on his girlfriend Magda. Magda has an extremely hard time understanding why Yunior has made such a mistake, and although she appears to be trying, the relationship is drastically failing. Although I believe that cheating is wrong, I do not believe it makes you a bad person, and therefore, I believe in the statement Yunior made. Cheating is a form of insecurity. When two people are together for a long time, at some point in their relationship it is natural for them to feel insecure. They are expected to know how important they are to their lover, and expected to feel ok with the fact that their lover may be the only person that feels that way about them. It all depends on how strong you are as a person, or how you feel about... Free Essays on The Sun, The Moon, And The Stars Free Essays on The Sun, The Moon, And The Stars When life pulls you down into the darkest hole you’ve ever been in, insecurity seems to get the best of you. You start to do things that you never thought you would do before, and it is all just to make yourself feel better. You feel yourself wrapped up into a ball wondering what part you are supposed to play, why god brought you into this world, or why you even exist. You find your relationship with the person you love falling further into the hole with you, and you need someone to make you feel like you are important. Because the person you love more than anything has already become one with you, it’s even to the point where they can’t pull you out. That’s when you start to feel insecure, like you need something else, just as Yunior does with Magda. Because as you start to start to think about the beginning, it’s the end, and your life is revolving around the one decision you didn’t make for yourself, your insecurity made it for you. â€Å" I’m like everybody else: weak, full of mistakes, but basically good.†Yunior describes himself to be naturally a good person, who has made a costly mistake. In the selection, The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, by Junot Diaz, Yunior is a Dominican man that has cheated on his girlfriend Magda. Magda has an extremely hard time understanding why Yunior has made such a mistake, and although she appears to be trying, the relationship is drastically failing. Although I believe that cheating is wrong, I do not believe it makes you a bad person, and therefore, I believe in the statement Yunior made. Cheating is a form of insecurity. When two people are together for a long time, at some point in their relationship it is natural for them to feel insecure. They are expected to know how important they are to their lover, and expected to feel ok with the fact that their lover may be the only person that feels that way about them. It all depends on how strong you are as a person, or how you feel about...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Lightweight Strong Materials In A Composite Surfboard
Lightweight Strong Materials In A Composite Surfboard The composite surfboard is a common place in the sport today. Ever since the introduction of fiberglass composites after World War II, the surfboard industry was truly one of the first to embrace composites. Prior to fiber reinforced composites, surfboards were manufactured out of wood and could weigh over 100 lbs. Today, a composite surfboard the same size (10 feet) might weigh less then 10 lbs. To shed this enormous amount of weight, surfboards took advantage of 3 key materials: Foam Core Polyurethane foam became the core material of choice for surfboards. It is lightweight, provides thickness, and provides buoyancy. The foam core of a composite surfboard is sandwiched between FRP skins and creates the stiffness and structure of the surfboard. Often, a stringer of wood is bonded in the center of the board to provide increased rigidity, much like an I-beam. The surfboard foam industry was dominated by the company Clark Foam up until 2005, at which time the owner decided to shut down with no prior warning. Today, the foam core for composite surfboards is primarily polyurethane foam. However, expanded polystyrene (EPS) is being used more often as the use of epoxy resins increases. Regardless of the foam used it almost always closed-cell, so that it does not absorb moisture. Resin Thermosetting resins have been key to the success of the composite surfboard. Even when boards were made of wood, resins and coatings were used to help prevent the boards soaking in water. As resin technology continues to improve, boards are able to become stronger and lighter weight. The most common resins used in composite surfboards are polyester resins. This is primarily because polyester resin is inexpensive. Additionally, resin manufacturers have perfected their polyester surfboard resins so that they are easy to work with and are crystal clear. It is important that the resins used are water-clear, because a surfboard is as much a work of art as it is a functional piece of equipment. As surfboards age, they turn yellow from the UV rays. Hence, UV resistance is an important factor to the resins used today. With the advancements in resin technology, it is no surprise composite surfboards are being manufactured with epoxy. Epoxy has no VOC emissions during the manufacturing process, and it has much higher strength, fatigue, and impact resistance properties. However, the only current downside to using epoxy is, these boards tend to turn yellow faster then polyester boards. Although, this may soon change with improved formulations. Fiberglass Fiberglass is the structural backbone to surfboards. The fiberglass reinforcement provides the structure and strength to the board. Most commonly, lightweight woven fiberglass cloth is used as the reinforcement. Usually, it is between 4 and 8 ounce fabric. (Ounces per square yard). Often more then one layer is used. Currently, the weaves used are evenly balanced with equal amounts of fiberglass running from nose to tail, and rail to rail. However, engineers are designing boards with different amounts of fiber running in different directions. This provides the strength and the rigidity where required, without adding much additional weight. Future Of The Composite Surfboard Surfers are known for being progressive, and with this comes experimentation with different shapes and materials. Boards today are embracing composite technology and new materials. The composite surfboards of the future are incorporating fibers such as Kevlar, carbon fiber, and Innegra. The various properties of the many composite reinforcements available can allow the surfer or engineer, to tweak the properties to help create the dream board. It also makes a surfboard extremely cool looking to have unique materials and construction. The various properties of the many composite reinforcements available can allow the surfer or engineer, to tweak the properties to help create the ultimate surfboard. It also makes a surfboard extremely cool looking to have unique materials and construction. Not only are the materials being used changing, but the method of manufacturing is evolving as well. CNC machines are commonly being used to precisely machine out the foam core. This creates boards that are almost perfectly symmetrical and exact. At first, the fear of mass production brought concerns of removing the soul from the sport. Meaning, the traditional method of hand shaping boards is being reduced to the job of a computer. However, the opposite seems to be true. Custom boards, which are truly works of art, seem to be as popular as ever. And with composites, creativity in methods and materials to laminate boards seems to give an endless opportunity to customize and personalize boards. The future of the composite surfboard is bright. In the 1950s the use of fiberglass was revolutionary. The new pioneers will continue to push the envelope and will embrace the next generation of composite materials and processing techniques.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Healthy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Healthy - Essay Example In this regard, it is very essential to include fresh farm fruits and vegetables in the diet that is much better from packaged chemical juices. In addition, fast food is a huge factor that causes weight gain and that one of the reasons of huge criticism by dietitians about the fast food, as too much fat can clog arteries and increase weight subsequently (Crocker, pp.7-8). The word health implies fitness, soundness of the human body or mind and freedom from abnormality. Being healthy is far better choice for any one; however, it is essential for one to have sound information about nutritional choices. Nowadays, the fascinating advertisements offer foods with less nutritional values and loaded fats that are not good for health. It is a fact that daily routine depends largely on the food one takes, because humans need energy to work. In particular, fast foods are high in sugar, sodium, and fat. Each of these substances can cause health problems. In the result, one should always go for home cooked food that contains balanced nutritional values, and everyone should have daily walk routine before commencing the day. In conclusion, healthy food can be the best decision to acquire a healthy life style (Turck,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Obesity (Law and Economics) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Obesity (Law and Economics) - Essay Example It, therefore, is an economic issue that also involves the intervention of policies and laws of the government. According to WHO, health is a major consideration as a measure of living standards. According to Stettner, WHO defines good health as a status when someone has sound physical, mental or sociological state that warrants him or her to be in a state of well-being (209). It may also refer to a state in which one has no disease. The international community is facing a great health problem with the increasing instances of obesity and its associated effects. Obesity is an epidemic that is recognizable by the WHO, today. It poses global health consequences to various governments. This call for the setting up of an international legal framework that would see various governments set up ways to address the epidemic of obesity. Various countries and jurisdictions have a number of policies that look into the issue and provide necessary intervention measures to deal with it. Instituting such legal frameworks also lead to potential consequences that are unintentional. Policymakers also face many challenges when instituting such laws and policies aimed at finding solutions into the epidemic of obesity (Stettner 210). On the economic front, the international community is undergoing challenging times. ... The economic turndown experienced by the international community may further lead to increased cases of obesity. This is because people may turn to less expensive dietary measures consisting of food that is high in calorie. This is because of the economic hardships. It is essential for governments and global institutions to find ways of institutionalizing policies meant to reduce cases of obesity while addressing the current global economic challenges. Acs, Henderson, Levy and Stanton note that obesity is an issue that affects the business fraternity, the government and citizens or individuals on a common scale (221). It, therefore, presents a range of challenges to various sectors of the government and all levels of the society. The health sector bears challenges of high budgeting and costs involved in addressing the obesity epidemic. There are, in addition, cultural dimensions of this health menace affecting the government. All institutions in the United States (both corporate and public) have different avenues set to tackle the issue of obesity (Acs, Henderson, Levy and Stanton 221). Such avenues aim at promoting public awareness on the effects, causes and costs of obesity. Americans, therefore, receive ethical information about the outrage of obesity among them. The initiatives aim at reducing the costs (direct and indirect) incurred in relation to combating obesity. Businesses have initiatives aimed at determining income that that affect eating among the population. Businesses may also have influence on physical activities including exercise through job tasks. In this view, businesses help address obesity as an economic issue. According to Acs, Henderson, Levy and Stanton, public policy plays an immense role
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Tituba and two elderly women Essay Example for Free
Tituba and two elderly women Essay However nobody can be held totally responsible, if the people had not believed Abigail and been so nai ve to think that witchcraft was present in the village none of it would have happened. The heroes of the story are all those that stuck to their principles and died for their cause. Corey would not condemn his friend as the others had done and stuck to his principles throughout the play. Rebecca Nurse who will not lie to save herself and Proctor who fights against the charges and does what is morally right in the end. Hale tried to be a hero as he tried to save the lives of the condemned but it was too late for him, the damage had been done. The village rapidly becomes split in two, those who are for the court and those against it. For the court are: Parris, Abigail, Danforth, Hathorne, Mary Warren, Putnam and Goody Putnam, all having very different reasons for being on that side, they are also supported by the majority of the. Against the court are: Elizabeth, Proctor, Giles Corey, Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse and Francis Nurse. Hale is for the court proceedings at the beginning of the story then changes to against during the court scene in Act Three. These are quotes that support the court: Mrs Putnam: You think it is Gods work you should never lose a child, nor grandchild either, and I shall bury all but one? There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fire within fires! Putnam: She cannot bear to hear the Lords name, Mr Hale; thats a sure sign of witchcraft afloat. This woman must be hanged! She must be taken and hanged! Mary: I must tell you sir, I will be gone every day now. I am amazed that you not see what weighty work we do. You must see it sir, its Gods work we do. So Ill be gone every day for some time. Im I am an official of the court, they say. I am bound by law, I cannot tell it. Cheever: I am a clerk of the court now, yknow. Hathorne: Arrest him Excellency! This is contempt, sir, contempt. Danforth: This is the highest court of the supreme government of this province, do you know it? But you must understand, sir, a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road in between. Hang them high over the town! Who weeps for these weeps for corruption! Parris: Hes come to overthrow this court, Your Honour! These are quotes against the court: Rebecca: I think Ill go then. I am too old for this. Francis: Reverend Hale! Can you not speak to the Deputy Governor? Im sure he mistakes these people. We have proof of it, sir. They are all deceiving you. Proctor: If she is innocent! Why do you never wonder if Parris be innocent, or Abigail? Is the accuser always holy now? Were they born this morning as clear as Gods fingers? Ill tell you whats walking Salem vengeance is walking Salem. We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law. I will fall like an ocean on that court! Hale after he sides with the court: I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court! Throughout the play Miller is trying to convey certain messages which he felt were important. Although this was written fifty years ago, many are relevant today. One message is Power corrupts the power that Abigail held over not only the girls but also the community helped her to corrupt their minds and beliefs. Without this corrupting power the situation would not have gone to court and innocent people would not have died. Corporal and capital punishment are wrong. Throughout the play each character that was for the court was not for it for the right reasons. Parris was for the court to gain revenge on Proctor and to retain his position in the community, Abigail to take the blame off herself and to eradicate Elizabeth from the love triangle, Putnam to gain land and Mrs Putnam as she cannot seem to grasp the fact that she cannot have children, Hathorne and Danforth as they are enforcing the law and Mary Warren as she is taken in by Abigail. None of the accusations are based on true facts, as a result of these lies innocent people were hanged. If we read the Echoes down the Corridor it states that Twenty years after the last execution, the government awarded compensation to the victims still living and to the families of the dead. Basically the government admits that the hangings were wrong, but no money will bring back the people who were lost, capital punishment cannot bring back the dead if they are found to be innocent later. Echoes down the corridor gives the reader an insight into what happened after the hangings and the effect on the community, Parris was voted from office and left Salem, Abigail turns into a prostitute, Elizabeth married again and farms belonging to victims were left to ruin. The things mentioned are true and are not fictional it shows that Abigail, after her scheming lying ended up in the lowest, demeaning job. Greed is a powerful motivator. The Putnams throughout the play are fuelled by their greed for more land. Their motivation for encouraging the trials, along with the death of their seven babies was greed for land. They do not care who they hurt and consequently, in effect murder, so long as they get what they want. Consider the consequences of your words/actions. Throughout the story people did not think what the possible consequences could be of crying witchcraft. If Abigail had stopped to think that there was a possibility that Proctor would have been hanged, she would not have done what she did. Proctor did not think when he slept with Abigail that Elizabeth would find out and that it would cause friction in their relationship. If Mrs Putnam had accepted the fact that she cannot bear children, she would not have accused anyone, then lives would not have been lost. If Hale had realised right from the beginning that witchcraft was not present in Salem, that the accusations would lead to innocent people being hanged and listened to his conscience, then he may not have been so hungry for statements. Evil as well as good is endemic in society. Both evil and good people can be found in society. Characters such as Abigail, Putnam and Parris were evil in the story and good characters were Proctor, Elizabeth, Giles Corey and Rebecca Nurse. However if there were no evil people in society and in the play we would not know what good was. I think this is an excellent play. I like the way it is based on a true story as it makes it more interesting to read and watch. I think that Miller is a very clever playwright using interesting plots, characters and language to add interest to the play. The messages it conveys were not only relevant then but also now, there is evidence supporting many of his messages today. I think the way Miller leaves it up to you to decide about the characters personalities and their actions is part of what makes the play please everyone, everybody can take something away from the play. My particular favourite quote is said by Elizabeth in Act Two I do not judge you. The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you. To me it means that the only person who can judge you is yourself, nobody else can, as long as you are happy with whom you are. The tension and drama of the play, particularly between John and Elizabeth and during the court scene makes an excellent play. There is great contrast between certain moments for example Act One ends with frantic cries from the girls then Act Two begins with tension and silence between Elizabeth and John. Throughout the story you constantly ask yourself, will John stick to his principles and become a martyr or will he back down and live? Will people continue to believe Abigail? These elements of the play makes you want to read on and find out. The love element throughout the story makes it interesting and we can empathise with the characters, the plot is not unbelievable. The ending has a twist to it, we begin to believe that Proctor will sign the confession then he tears it up, the ending satisfies everybody, Proctor is forgiven and dies a hero. We know Abigail is a villain, but we cannot help but feel some sympathy for her, she watched her own parents killed, she is an orphan living in a community in which she feels suffocated and her heart has been torn apart. When we first began to read the play I did not understand it because there are so many characters and I did not understand the background to the play or generally what was happening. The language was difficult to understand and I did not understand where the play was leading. When we watched a video of the play I began to understand it and was disappointed when we finished reading the play as I had just begun to enjoy it. When I watched the video I learnt who all the characters were, what their positions were in the village and what was happening. I found it easier to understand and I felt that the costumes and the houses made me feel more like I was there. I thought the video was close to the script in the book and was a good representation of the play in film form. I think that if I read this play again I would really understand it and appreciate it even more. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Downfall Of Music Today :: essays research papers
The Downfall of Today’s Music The nineties began with the grunge scene, an alternative style of rock and roll that revolutionized rock music today. This music that was once praised by MTV was gradually pushed out to make way for the sound of generic rap beats, watered down heavy metal and sugar coated pop tunes. The pattern of the nineties is nothing new. The seventies and eighties both saw fresh new music that preceded a pour attempt at a new innovative sound. In the seventies disco followed the likes of rock legends such as Jimi Hendrix, The Doors and Pink Floyd. The eighties began with such innovative bands as Dire Straits, Van Halen and the Red Hot Chili Peppers and ended with groups like New Kids on the Block and Milli Vanilli that overlapped into the early nineties. The nineties began with an original brand of rock, alternative. This style of music produced bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Alice and Chains that revolutionized rock and roll. Some of these bands are still around today but are over shadowed by the trendy pop and rap The rock and pop groups of today are primarily concerned with an image they are trying to achieve through music videos. Bands like Limp Bizkit and Korn are chief examples of groups who try to attain a hard-core image but are failing. They claim to have a large underground following but in reality they are just another MTV band that is identified by its multi-million dollar music videos. If you have to spend that much money on a video you must be compensating for something. This is true with groups like the Backstreet Boys, N’sync and Brittany Spears. Without their music videos they would be nothing. The songs that these groups produce are very simple pop tunes that thrive off the bands look and fashion statements. The rap music of today shares many characteristics of the pop/rock industry. They are primarily concerned with money. It is not about the quality of the rhymes being released but about how many they can put out in a year. The result is music that is very monotonous and thin. The albums are released so frequently that people never get a chance to realize how one-dimensional their favorite rapper is, and are buying their next album. The other side of the rap industry is filled with phonies.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Prosecuting Arguments
Prosecuting Arguments A prosecutor's duty is to defer and produce evidence of the crime at hand to the judge and jury so that they can decide an appropriate sentence. According to the case of State v. Stu Dents, there are several charges against the defendant which range from moderate to severe. These charges include homicide, assault of a police officer, kidnapping, burglary, and crimes related to drugs. The prosecution must attempt to provide accurate evidence to prove the charges against Stu Dents.During this trial, the prosecution will evaluate the laws and statutes of Hawaii, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania to determine which state the case is the strongest. The prosecution will examine each of these states thoroughly to provide a better understanding of the charges, which will provide a guideline in determining the best sentencing alternatives. Facts and Elements The prosecution must establish the facts and elements of each crime to prove a defendant's guil t. The elements of crime are the basic components of the crime, and the essential features of that crime specified by law or statute.These elements include actus reus, mens rea, and a concurrence of the two. To convict the defendant of a particular crime, the prosecution must establish that each of the required elements are present in the facts to prove criminal liability (Schmalleger, Hall, & Dolatowski, 2010). In the case of State v. Stu Dents, the prosecution must establish the facts and elements of the charges for homicide, assault of a police officer, kidnapping, burglary, and crimes related to drugs. For the charge of homicide, all of the required elements are present in the facts of the case.The journal entries discussing the purchase of rope, rags, and a sharp hunting knife â€Å"to fulfill [his] destiny†prove mens rea. Actus reus is proven in the evidence that the victim was found with cloth stuffed in her mouth, arms and legs tied with rope restraints, and stabbed to death. The defendant's intent to commit the crime is proven by the journal entries, and the proof that he engaged in the criminal conduct is evident in the gagging, restraining, and stabbing death of the victim (University of Phoenix, n. d. ).For the charge of assault of a police officer, all of the required elements are present in the facts of the case. When police officers attempted to take him into custody, he was extremely agitated, irrational, combative, and screaming about the end of the world and aliens working in the police force, which proves mens rea. Actus reus is proven when the defendant punched the officer in the face while the officer attempted to handcuff him. The defendant's intent to cause bodily harm to the officer by punching him proves the presence of intent and conduct (University of Phoenix, n. . ). For the charge of kidnapping, all of the required elements are present in the facts of the case. Mens rea is proven from the evidence officers found in the defe ndant's home, which included a timeline of more than 300 photos of the victim in various locations and situations. It appears as if some photos were taken without the victim's knowledge. Actus reus is proven by the evidence of cuts and bruises found on the victim's body as well as skin particles under her fingernails, which signify a struggle prior to death.The DNA of the skin particles matched samples of the defendant's DNA. Therefore, the defendant's intent to seize unlawfully and carry away the victim by force, as indicated by the evidence of struggle, proves the presence of intent and conduct (University of Phoenix, n. d. ). For the charge of burglary, all of the required elements are present in the facts of the case. Mens rea is proven from witness testimony stating that the defendant entered the victim's apartment when she was not home, and there was no proof that he used a key.Actus reus is proven when a search of the defendant's home produced drugs and jewelry owned by the v ictim. The defendant's intent to enter the victim's residence unlawfully without permission for the purpose of committing a crime is proven by the theft of the victim's possessions (University of Phoenix, n. d. ). For the charge of crimes related to drugs, all of the elements are present in the facts of the case. Mens rea is proven when a search of the defendant's home produced various amounts of ecstasy, cocaine, and methamphetamines.Actus reus is proven by the presence of ecstasy, cocaine, and methamphetamines in the defendant's home, which is an act of possession. The defendant knowingly possessing the drugs coexists with the act of possessing the drugs (University of Phoenix, n. d. ). State Laws In Hawaii, homicide occurs when a person intentionally or knowingly causes the death of another person, and it is considered murder in the first degree. The crime of homicide with more than one victim or an inmate killing his or her cellmate is considered first degree murder, and homicid e of an officer of the law is considered a felony murder.Murder in the first degree is a serious felony, and the defendant could face life in prison without parole because Hawaii does not have the death penalty (FindLaw, 2012). In Pennsylvania, assault of a police officer occurs when a person intentionally causes harm to an officer while on duty, such as fighting the officer to avoid arrest. If this incident causes the officer bodily harm, the crime is a second-degree misdemeanor. This will result in a sentence of up to five years in prison, and a fine of up to $3,000.If a person shoots and kills an officer on duty, the charge is assault in the first degree. The defendant could face a minimum of 20 years in prison or death for first-degree assault of a police officer (Justia, n. d. ). In North Carolina, kidnapping occurs when a person unlawfully restrains or keeps another person at any place without his or her permission. It is considered first degree kidnapping if the victim is not released in a safe place or is seriously injured. This charge is considered a Class C felony, and it carries up to 15 years imprisonment (North Carolina General Assembly, n. d. ).In Arkansas, residential burglary occurs when a person unlawfully enters and remains in a residential structure, and commits any offense punishable by imprisonment. This crime is considered a Class B felony. A defendant who is charged with this crime faces five to 10 years imprisonment, and a fine of up to $15,000 (Justia, n. d. ). In Virginia, crimes related to drugs include manufacturing, distributing, or possessing controlled substances with the intent to manufacture or distribute. A first offense under this statute carries a sentence of five to 40 years imprisonment, and a fine of up to $500,000.Second and subsequent offenses carry a sentence of five years to life imprisonment, and a fine of up to $500,000. It is considered a felony if a person manufactures, distributes, or possesses certain large amou nts of controlled substances. A felony conviction carries a sentence of five years to life imprisonment, and a fine of up to $1 million (Laws. com, 2011). Strongest State Case According to the information on the state laws and statutes, Hawaii would yield the strongest prosecution in the case of State v. Stu Dents. InHawaii, a conviction of homicide carries a sentence of life imprisonment without parole, which would keep the defendant away from society, and keep society safe from possible future offenses by the defendant. A conviction for assault of a police officer carries up to five years imprisonment. A conviction for kidnapping and drug crimes is a Class A felony, and it carries a term of up to life imprisonment with a fine of up to $50,000. A conviction of burglary is a Class B felony, and it carries a term of two to 20 years imprisonment with a fine of up to $25,000 (Nolo, 2012).If the defendant is found guilty of all charges in the state of Hawaii, he will spend the rest of h is life in prison as well as pay a large amount in fines, which is absolute justice for the victim. Conclusion Each state has different laws for each crime that a person commits and how that person is charged for the crime. The prosecution for each crime is strong for each of the states examined. No matter what the case is for a crime committed in any state, there is a law or statute available to charge a person for that crime.Regardless of the state the criminal trial proceeds in, the prosecution will have a strong case in the case of State v. Stu Dents. References FindLaw. (2012). Haw. Rev. Stat.  § 707-701 : Hawaii Statutes – Section 707-701: Murder in the first degree. Retrieved from http://codes. lp. findlaw. com/histatutes/5/37/707/II/707-701 Justia. (n. d. ). 2010 Arkansas Code  § 5-39-201 – Residential burglary  Commercial burglary. Retrieved from http://law. justia. com/codes/arkansas/2010/title-5/subtitle-4/chapter-39/ subchapter-2/5-39-201/ Justi a. (n. d. . 2010 Pennsylvania Code  § 2702. 1 – Assault of law enforcement officer. Retrieved from http://law. justia. com/codes/pennsylvania/2010/title-18/chapter-27/2702-1/ Laws. com. (2011). 18. 2-248 – Manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, sell, give, or distribute a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance prohibited; penalties. Retrieved from http://statutes. laws. com/ virginia/title-18-2/chapter-7/18-2-248 Nolo. (2012). Hawaii Charges for Crimes by Felony Class. Retrieved from ttp://www. criminaldefenselawyer. com/resources/criminal-defense/felony-offense/ hawaii-felony-class. htm North Carolina General Assembly. (n. d. ). Article 10 – Kidnapping and Abduction. Retrieved from http://www. ncga. state. nc. us/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/ByArticle/Chapter_ 14/Article_10. pdf Schmalleger, F. , Hall, D. E. , & Dolatowski, J. J. (2010). Criminal law Today. (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. University of Phoenix. (n. d. ). State v. Stu Dents. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CJA354 website.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Language Essay
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Communicative Language Teaching The Advantages and Disadvantages of Communicative Language Teaching By HAH Introduction The focus of this essay is to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). In doing so, it is important to first clarify the meaning of CLT and it’s place in the ongoing history of language teaching methodology. CLT is generally accepted as the most recognized, contemporary approach to language teaching. CLT is considered an approach, rather than a teaching method, and can seem non-specific at times in terms of how to actually go about using practices in the classroom in any sort of systematic way. The real problem when attempting to define CLT is that there are many interpretations of what CLT actually means and involves. It means different things to different people. Or perhaps it is like an extended family of different approaches, and.. as in the case with most families, not all members live harmoniously together all of the time. There are squabbles and disagreements, if not outright wars, from time to time. However, no one is willing to assert that they do not belong to the family (Nunan 2004). One of the things that CLT embraces within its family is the concept of how language is used. Instead of concentrating solely on grammar, CLT focuses strongly on communicative competence. Learners are encouraged to apply various language forms in various contexts and situations such as making hotel reservation, purchasing airline tickets, ordering at a restaurant, booking tickets to a show, asking for directions etc. It is this constant exposure to language in realistic situations, which is thought to aid language acquisition. Learners are given a clear reason for communicating in the form of role-plays and simulations. Accuracy of the language is seen to be of less importance than fluency and communicating successfully. Brown (2007) offers the following seven interconnected characteristics as a description of†¦
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Biography of Jane Seymour, Third Wife of Henry VIII
Biography of Jane Seymour, Third Wife of Henry VIII Known for: The third wife of King Henry VIII of England; Jane bore a much-wanted son as heir (the future Edward VI) Occupation: Queen consort (third) to Englands King Henry VIII; had been a maid of honor to both Catherine of Aragon (from 1532) and Anne BoleynSignificant Dates: 1508 or 1509–October 24, 1537; became queen by marriage on May 30, 1536, when she married Henry VIII; proclaimed queen on June 4, 1536, though she was never crowned as queen Early Life of Jane Seymour Brought up as a typical noblewoman of her time, Jane Seymour became a maid of honor to Queen Catherine (of Aragon) in 1532. After Henry had his marriage to Catherine annulled in 1532, Jane Seymour became a maid of honor to his second wife, Anne Boleyn. In February of 1536, as Henry VIIIs interest in Anne Boleyn waned and it became apparent that she would not bear a male heir for Henry, the court noticed Henrys interest in Jane Seymour. Marriage to Henry VIII Anne Boleyn was convicted of treason and executed on May 19, 1536. Henry announced his betrothal to Jane Seymour the next day, May 20. They were married on May 30 and Jane Seymour was pronounced Queen Consort on June 4, which was also the public announcement of the marriage. She was never officially crowned as queen, perhaps because Henry was waiting until after the birth of a male heir for such a ceremony. Jane Seymours court was far more subdued than Anne Boleyns. She apparently intended to avoid many of the errors made by Anne. During her brief reign as Henrys queen, Jane Seymour had worked to bring peace between Henrys eldest daughter, Mary, and Henry. Jane had Mary brought to court and worked to get her named as Henrys heir after any of Jane and Henrys offspring. Birth of Edward VI Clearly, Henry married Jane Seymour primarily to bear a male heir. He was successful in this when, on October 12, 1537, Jane Seymour gave birth to a prince. Edward was the male heir Henry so desired. Jane Seymour had also worked to reconcile the relationship between Henry and his daughter Elizabeth. Jane invited Elizabeth to the princes christening. The baby was christened October 15, and then Jane fell ill with puerperal fever, a complication of childbirth. She died on October 24, 1537. The Lady Mary (future Queen Mary I) served as chief mourner at Jane Seymours funeral. Henry After Janes Death Henrys reaction after Janes death lends credence to the idea that he loved Jane - or at least appreciated her role as the mother of his only surviving son. He went into mourning for three months. Soon after, Henry began searching for another appropriate wife, but he did not remarry for three years when he married Anne of Cleves (and shortly thereafter regretted that decision). When Henry died, ten years after Janes death, he had himself buried with her. Janes Brothers Two of Janes brothers are noted for using Henrys ties to Jane for their own advancement. Thomas Seymour, Janes brother, married Henrys widow and sixth wife, Catherine Parr. Edward Seymour, also a brother of Jane Seymour, served as Protector - more like a regent - for Edward VI after Henrys death. Both these brothers attempts to exercise power came to bad ends: both were eventually executed. Jane Seymour Facts Family Background: Mother: Margery Wentworth, a direct descendant through her father of Edward III of England (making Jane a fifth cousin twice removed to her husband Henry VIII)Father: Sir John Seymour, WiltshireJanes great-grandmother, Elizabeth Cheney, was also great-grandmother to Anne Boleyn, Henrys second wife, and to Catherine Howard, Henrys fifth wife. Marriage and Children: Husband: Henry VIII of England (married May 20, 1536)Children:The future Edward VI of England, born October 12, 1537 Education: The basic education of noble women of the time; Jane was not as literate as her predecessors and could read and write her own name and not more. Sources Anne Crawford, editor. Letters of the Queens of England 1100-1547. 1997.Antonia Fraser. The Wives of Henry VIII. 1993.Alison Weir. The Six Wives of Henry VIII. 1993.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
W.E.B. Du Bois on Woman Suffrage
W.E.B. Du Bois on Woman Suffrage This article originally appeared in the June 1912 issue of The Crisis, a journal considered one of the leading forces in the New Negro Movement and the Harlem Renaissance, addressing a failure on the part of the National American Woman Suffrage Association to support a resolution condemning the Southern disenfranchisement of African Americans, in law and in practice. Du Bois, a leading black intellectual of the day and key founder of the NAACP, and a supporter in general of womens suffrage, was editor of The Crisis. The next year, a suffrage march would be marked by a request by the white leadership for black women to march at the back, so we know that this essay did not immediately transform the suffrage movement to include fully the voices of people of color. Du Bois uses the term suffragette in the title, but in the article uses the more common term at the time, suffragist. The language is that of 1912, when this was written, and may be uncomfortable and different from expectations of today. Colored people and Negro were, as may be obvious by Du Bois use, the respectful words of the time for people of color and for Black people. Full article: Suffering Suffragettes by W. E. B. Du Bois, 1912 Summary: Du Bois points out that the suffrage movement is wincing a bit and produces a letter from Anna Shaw, defending the suffrage movements commitment to justice to women, white and colored, and says that no women were excluded from the recent convention in Louisville on account of race.Shaw repeats a rumor that at the Louisville convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, a resolution condemning disfranchisement of colored people in the South was not allowed to come to the floor, and says she did not feel it was snowed under but was simply not acted on.Du Bois points out that Martha Gruening had attempted to have a colored delegate introduce a resolution from the floor, and that Anna Shaw had refused to invite her to the convention.Resolved, that the women who are trying to lift themselves out of the class of the disfranchised, the class of the insane and criminal, express their sympathy with the black men and women who are fighting the same battle and recognize that i t is as unjust and as undemocratic to disfranchise human beings on the ground of color as on the ground of sex. Further, Du Bois reproduces a letter from Anna Shaw from before the convention about opposing the resolution being introduced, as it would do more to harm the success of our convention in Louisville than all the other things that we do would do good.In this Shaw letter, she also contends that the worst enemy of white womens vote is colored men who would go straight to the polls and defeat us every time.Du Bois says that we have repeatedly shown that contention about colored men defeating woman suffrage is false. See also the related article, Two Suffrage Movements, by Martha Gruening, mentioned in the article above.  It was published a few months after this one.  And for a biography of one of Du Bois wives, see Shirley Graham Du Bois on this site.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Learning disability Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Learning disability Nurse - Essay Example It can also be a lifelong condition (Health Grades Inc, 2009) However, in 19th and 20th centuries, several institutions have been developed to address the health care needs of people with LD and this became the period of moral awakening in the area for better care and treatment for â€Å"special persons†. In 1996, The UK National Health Service Executive formulated a sequence of markers for six (6) medium term priorities, in order to integrate the efforts among service providers, health authorities, general practitioners and regional offices (UK National Health Service Executive, 1996). Within the United Kingdom (Department of Health, 2001), the term â€Å"mental handicap†was changed in the early 1990s; thereby calling it as the â€Å"learning disabilities†and does not embrace specific learning difficulties like dyslexia, dyspraxia, as well as other related learning difficulties. The same term is used within nursing services. The said term is directly analogous to the terms â€Å"intellectual disabilities†or â₠¬Å"mental retardation†that is utilized in the United States of America. In United Kingdom, community care is widely recognized as superior to that of the institutions (Emerson & Hatton 1994). People’s support to learning disability is very strong and not only viewed as a professional activity for nurses. In fact, practitioners who are working within the UK learning disability services operate amidst a range of agencies such as public; not for profit; and the private institutions. The National Health Service (NHS), together with their nurses and social workers represent the public sector health care team. In particular, the institution was able to operate for several years according to team settings in the community. In the same manner, Community Mental Handicap Teams, in which name was replaced as Community Learning Disability Teams (McGrath & Humphreys 1988),
Friday, November 1, 2019
Emaar Properties PJSC Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Emaar Properties PJSC - Coursework Example Working Capital ratios 8 Investor performance 9 Conclusion 15 Bibliography 17 Executive Summary This report is a financial analysis of Emaar Properties PJSC which is one of the world’s largest and fastest growing real estate developers. Their performance is indicative of the huge rise in demand of living solutions for people around the globe. Emaar properties' has held a growing position in the industry as compared over the period of two years. The reports highlights on what financial effect the global financial crisis had on Emaar Properties’ performance. The continuous growth and expansion in various developments by Emaar Properties has played a vital role in its success. It has been competing well in its sector and industry within the geographical boundaries of Middle-East and has spread to international horizons as well. The leap to other countries has made Emaar Properties a global enterprise in the world of real-estate developers leading with innovations and state of the art facilities The report is clearly spread out in different sections according to financial results obtained while comparing Emaar from the year 2009 to 2010 and Emaar as compared to the industry average and its main competitors. This report is divided into parts and properly analyzed into different parts. The ratios have been calculated and analyzed as per the past record of Emaar properties. Other than that Emaar Properties figures have been compared to the Industry average too as well as other competitors. Emaar has been a leading real-estate developer and due to much expansion in its projects it has been retaining profits since 2007. It has been giving out zero dividends and all the money is invested back in the company. (Rasmala, 2010) Introduction Company Overview Emaar is one of the largest property investment organizations listed on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) in the year 2000. It was started in 1997 and is currently known as Emaar Properties Public Joint Stock Limited Company (PJSC). Emaar offers high quality apartments to homebuyers with its full range to cater to their particular requirements. Emaar is innovating at a quick pace to provide premium lifestyle to its consumers globally. It is responsible for developing value-added, master planned communities along with homes. It has changed the concept of living lifestyle with its innovative designs and devel opment. Along with developing and expanding in the Dubai Market, it has reached out globally in various countries for future projects and has been active for quite some years now. It is expanding globally by spreading its vision of innovative lifestyle development and a new concept of ‘home’. Additionally Emaar is listed on two additional markets of Jones Arabia Titans Index and S&P IFCG Extended Frontier 150 Index. Emaar was also awarded the 462nd position in the world by 11th Financial Times Global 500 in 2007. (Emaar Properties, 2008) Financial Overview In June 2004, Emaar took the initiative of reducing the value of their shares from AED 10 to AED 1. It was done primarily to protect the interests of the shareholders and make their shares affordable for potential investors. Emaar further went on to do a 1:1 rights issue to double its capital in July 2005. (Emaar Properties, 2008) Ownership and Management Emaar is currently run by Mohamed Ali Alabbar who is the Direct or General of Dubai Department of Economics Development and also the Chairman of Emaar Properties. Emaar was privately held when it was established in 2007. After expanding into 60 different areas of development by its companies, it was listed in the Dubai Financial Markets. By 2007, the government of Dubai bought a 32% stake by giving the private investors AED28 billion worth of stock. The company also owns the Gold and Diamond Park in
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Securities activities of banks class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Securities activities of banks class - Essay Example According to the 2008-2012, Global Economic Crisis report, interplay of a number of factors may have triggered this crisis. Some of those factors include high-risk mortgage lending rate, inaction by the financial systems’ regulators to enforce available financial prudence acts and laws which created a loophole that allowed some financial players to act and lend imprudently, untrue credit ratings given to investors by some financial system players to woe and attract investors, and valuation and liquidity problems in the banking systems of global economies. Its turbulences and ripple effects have been heavily felt by virtually all economies, both great and mighty, and fairly considered small ones.1 A number of research have been done in the line of global economic crisis delving into what may have been underlying factors that led to great global economic recession. Commissions of inquiries into causes of the global financial crisis have been constituted and reports have been raised on the possible factors that may have triggered the crisis. Levin-Coburn Report in particular investigates on causes of financial crisis and concludes that, the crisis that plunged many economies into collapse was avoidable if due diligence was followed by major players in the banking systems, especially the ones in the mortgage lending section. Prudence in mortgage lending and adept adherence to the financial regulations and acts could have certainly saved many financial economies from collapsing under the harsh effects of the global recession. To avoid failures by banks insinuated as possible reasons for the global economic crisis, financial regulators have tightened the existing regulations on le nding, liquidity and reserve requirements among others, and banks are now keener in how they handle credit risks. The concept of Asset securitization as a prudent risk management tool is finding global acceptance and many financial institutions concede that it could have
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Are The Causes Of Childhood Obesity Health Essay
What Are The Causes Of Childhood Obesity Health Essay Throughout the years, obesity has been a very important topic in our society and has risen exponentially among children and many researchers have wondered what are the causes of childhood obesity. There are many components which contribute to the causes of child obesity. Also people need to understand what exactly is body-mass-index and how it will be used to decide whether the child is categorized as being obese or not. Here are the some of the primary causes that affect children leading into obsession. The children consume so much food, are exposed to too many advertisements, lack physical activity, parents influence their actions, and the childrens living environments and socioeconomic factors influence them. Many blame that children eat beyond their control and this happens to be the number one cause. The second cause is children are exposed too many food commercials of less healthy foods and eventually are convinced into consuming the product. The third reason is children tend t o lack physical activity by rather spending countless hours playing video games and browsing the internet. The fourth cause is that the children parents influences them, and the genetics of the parents is a great influence on childrens overweight and obesity. The last cause is the childs living environment and their socioeconomic status influences their decisions and actions. These are the main components that lead into causing obesity among the children. What factors make children to be considered obese from a normal weight. What is obesity and BMI? Typically, obesity and overweight children are characterized as having a body-mass-index (BMI) greater than a particular threshold set point. BMI or body-mass-index undistinguished as a measurement in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (kg/m2) (Anderson 20). Reported by the guidelines in National Institutes of Health, a child is well categorized as obese if their body-mass-index is less than 18.5, the kids are considered overweight if their BMI is 25 or more, and obese if his BMI is 31 or more (20). Most people have no significant idea of what exactly is obesity. According to the Center for Disease Control and prevention, obesity is defined as a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced 6 life expectancy and/or increased health problems (CDC, 2013). In the article Childhood Obesity: An Overview, it mentions that it can happen only when the number of calories being consumed surpasses the quantity of calories burned, and usually an increase of this action has to last for long periods of time for obesity to be developed (Reily 2007) In order for a child to not be obese, it will take them days of lifestyle changes which produce a small every day calorie deficiency in their food diet. In the long run it is necessity that lifestyle changes is a huge contributor to the failure of efforts to resolve obesity once it has become established. When the children consume much more calories than they burn off, they increase that as obese weight. (WebMD 1) How children eat, how physically active they are, and many numerous components play a part on how it impacts their body and uses the energy units and when weight is increased. These are the basics of obesity and how the body-mass index is use to classified children as obese. The number one cause is children intake way too much unhealthy food products such as soft drinks, fast food, convenient snack food, chips, and junk food, etc. When the children eat this certain type of food, the calories sum up creating body fat or also known as BMI. Most children tend to miss a great diet and are easily exposed to unhealthy food; therefore, they will consume as they are pleased (Anderson and Butcher 14). The three major food categories are convenience foods, soft drinks, and obviously fast food. All these are calorie dense and there is some evidence that consuming these items are correlated with obesity in children (35). Also the much more children consume this type of food, the easier it is for them to get addicted. The worlds leading global fast food service retailer with more than 34,000 and counting restaurants worldwide goes to the McDonalds Corporation franchise and they happened to sell the two unhealthiest leading food products that causes obesity, which are french fries and chicken nuggets (McDonalds 1). Nevertheless, children tend to always eat them at any fast food place. They cannot enjoy their meal without a side of french fries or chicken tenders. Another thing children face are the easy access to junk food in schools. Much more schools across America have carried out school vending machines that contain highly calorie snacks such as candy bars and chips. Fast food companies use tactics against children such as advertising to brain wash them to consume their food products. The second cause leading to child obesity is that many of the children that end getting overweight are exposed to hundreds of advertising of unhealthy foods. The television advertisements are very influential and persuasive to the childrens mind. On average, the child watches an estimate of more than 23,000 food commercials every year and works out to at least 60 commercials per day (Anderson and Butcher 32). Also many children get influenced by prizes or characters of the advertisement. For example, when children see an advertisement on the television for a kids meal; they will get convinced into buying the meal because their neurons urges the kid to wan the super, marvelous action figure found inside. This is why the McDonalds Happy meals are the number one selling food product to children. The children in todays society tend to not do physical activities because their days consist of computer and television interaction. Another cause to child obesity is that many obese children do not control their overall health and lack physical activity to burn off the excess of calories. Children may be substituting different sorts of media for television watching, including video games and the internet (Anderson and Butcher 26). The kids already are not burning up the calories by not choosing to exercise and add many more calories to their bodies. The body systems of the child will not be able to burn off the calories when they do this actions. Thus, this cause raises the energy consumption or decreases energy outgo by even a little measure that will cause obesity in the long-run. Prospectively, physical activity was inversely related to with BMI alteration in girls, and media time periods (watching television or videos, playing video or computer games) was directly connected with BMI alterations in both sexes (Hans-Reiner Figulla 209). A factor that many really dont notice that affect the child health choices are the parents themselves. A cause that usually is not taken in consideration to child obesity are the parents themselves. While parental behavior is important, perhaps the largest influence on the children weight, and obesity is through genetics. For example, it is known that parents influence the childrens food choices. Also the laboring of the parents, makes it difficult to plan and cook healthier meals. For most Americans, it is effortless to get precooked products, eat out in the restaurants, or go to the store to buy products. But these types of foods are higher in fat and high in calories. The quantity of fast food products have gotten a lot bigger in size and this contributes to bad food consumption. Occupation agendas, lengthy travels from the workplace, and other commitments also cuts into the time period the parents have their kids doing physical exercise. Recent reports have concluded that about 26 to 41 percent of BMI is hereditary (Anderson and Butcher 10). Alternately it seems that parents may p ass on to their children a condition to overweight in the existence of energy imbalance. (10) The environment in which the children live can also influence and effect children to getting obese. The fifth cause is that is taken in consideration to child obesity is the environment and socioeconomic conditions of the children. Obesity is higher among minority children and low-income children such as African-American and Hispanics decent (Anderson 15). It all the depends where the children live. If the environment is under poverty conditions, the parents will most likely expose their children to consume cheap food for the penny. Now much more fast food corporations have increased their portion sizes of their products and cost a lot cheaper. Whose family members that are overweight may be at jeopardy of becoming overweight themselves, but this can be connected to common family actions such as consumption and human activity habits. For example, my mother was a considerably overweight at the time of pregnancy when she had me; therefore I was born obesity and I was two pounds overweight. In conclusion, these are some of the major components that cause child obesity. Most of the time it isnt just the child itself but there are much more to what causes obesity among them. Also most dont realize that by using the body mass index or BMI is used to categorized the child as being obese. The obvious one is when the child over eats too much and doesnt burn off the calories they intake and that add fat weight on their bodies. Many people also didnt realize that the environment the child lives in can not only influence the children but also their parents. It is mainly the childs environment that influences the children to either make positive or negative choices. The causes are child obesity are clearly that they consume so much food, are exposed to too many advertisements, lack physical activity performance, parents influence their actions, and the childrens living environments and socioeconomic factors influence them as well.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Human Trafficking in the United States Essay -- Modern-Day Slavery
In 2010, there were almost 30,000 Latino immigrants in Durham, ninety percent of which were undocumented immigrants (Johnson). Initially, most Latino immigrants arrived in the southwest, but since the turn of the century, more have settled in new destinations, such as Durham, and other parts of the Southeast, due to opportunities to work in low-skilled jobs. Pushing forces that lead people to migrate include better life opportunities, poverty as a result of war, political unrest and injustice, and environmental disasters. Businesses provide pulling factors for Latino migration by attracting immigrants in order to attain cheap labor. The sustained demand for cheap labor in the US gives undocumented immigrants an opportunity to work and stay in a country where they face unwelcoming attitudes. Two different situations can be identified when looking at illegal migration: people immigrating because of human trafficking, and people being smuggled unlawfully in order to find a better life. Labor trafficking is often entangled with illegal immigration and smuggling (Barrick). Traffic...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Terror and Violence in Nazi Germany from 1933-34
How far did the Nazi regime rely on terror and violence to consolidate its hold on power from 1933-34? Although most of the Nazi regime’s policies and actions were legal, the presence of terror and violence towards it opposition and citizens was most likely the key to the Nazi’s staying in power. With the aid of the SS and SA, the Nazis were able to stage coercive elections only allowing us to suggest unreliable results when it comes to answering this question.Hitler was appointed as chancellor on January 30th 1933. On the 27th of February 1933, the Reichstag building broke out into flames, four weeks after Hitler had assumed office of chancellor and weeks before his government had urged President Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag. The Nazis were able to convince the general public that this was â€Å"acts of terrorism†by communists. This meant at long last the Nazis could get rid of the KPD and all other political parties, whether they posed a threat or not. The Reichstag fire lead to the emergency decree which seized several rights of the German people such as freedom of opinion, personal freedom, freedom of the press and the freedom to organise and assemble. It also meant the German officials could detain whoever they wanted without a warrant. Three weeks after the emergency decree was announced, the Enabling Act (March 27th 1933) was passed. This gave Hitler the power to pass laws without the interference of the Reichstag or Reichsrat.As Hindenburg was aging he took less interest in day-to-day government activities, hence why he signed the enabling act as it effectively removed Presidential oversight. With the enabling act and the emergency decree both active, Hitler’s government was transformed into a legal dictatorship, allowing the Nazis to do whatever they wanted, however they wanted. The Nazis also controlled the media through propaganda minister, Dr Joseph Goebbels. On the 13th of March 1933, he was appointed head of the Reich ministry which was in charge of all media and public entertainment.On the night of book burning in Berlin, Goebbels condemned all books by Jews, liberals, leftists, pacifists, foreigners, and others as â€Å"un-German. †This lead to Nazi supporters in the educational sector, both students and professors, to burn these â€Å"un-German†books in attempt to â€Å"cleanse†German spirits. With the Enabling Act still active Hitler was able to pass a series of laws called the Gleichstaltung laws. Gleichstaltung means â€Å"coordination†or â€Å"bringing into line†. These laws were laid down to ensure a totalitarian state without any possibleobjection or opposition. They were also put into place to standardize Nazi-German lifestyle. All anti-Nazis were purged from civil service and schools. Gleichstaltung however also consisted of several organisations which were made compulsory. All these compulsory groups set up by the Nazis prepared the chosen gender or age group for life during the war. The Gleichstaltung laws allowed the Nazi’s to commence The Night of the Long Knives, within legal jurisdiction. The Night of the Long Knives was the termination or arrest of opposition to Nazis.Majority of the victims were prominent members and leaders of the SA such as Ernst Rohm and Kurt von Schleicher. Due to unemployment of up to six million, the SA had grown massively and were looking a lot less controllable to Hitler. At one point, the SA were Hitler’s personal army, great tension grew between Hitler and Rohm as they both had a difference of opinion. Another reason the SA was eliminated was due to homosexuality that was rumoured to be present in the group. This clashed with core Nazi ideology and it simply could not be overlooked by the Nazis.President Hindenburg died on the second of August 1934, this lead to Hitler combing the roles of both president and chancellor into one, known as the Fuhrer, giving him complete power over Germany. In evaluation, majority of Hitler’s rise to power was legal and even his acts of violence and terror were legal due to the Reichstag decree being active as well as the enabling act. Even with great election results, we cannot determine whether they were genuine or not due to coercive elections. Therefore it seems most of his rise to power relied on the acts of terror and violence.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Idea of Progress Essay
I’m going to talk about the notion Idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of progress. The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty, and quality of life. However, sometimes progress causes more problems than it solves . Consequently, we are going to weigh the positive and negatives aspects of progress, in science , in medicine and in new technologies. The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life and has shaped most of Western civilisation’s vision of history . Progress implies change, some evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily embraced by all . It’s at the heart oh a heated debate between those who approve of these changes and those who resist and criticize them in the name of tradition . As the rythm of progress seems to have accelerated these last few decades with an ever faster increase of major technological and scientific breakthroughs, the cult of novelty and progress is now being questioned . Indeed, a growing number of people voice their concern about the ethical, social and environmental consequences of such development and about the excesses of today’s consumer society . â€Å"
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